Podnuselák Participants' Personal Data: Rules and Principles of Protection
1. Registration
- Men, women as well as children shall register electronically via the registration form referred to by Podnuselák’s Facebook and web sites.
- Each participant is obliged to enter a valid e-mail address to which they will receive information on the date and time of the current run.
- Registration and consent with the personal data processing for persons under the age of 16 years shall be carried out by the child’s parent, who shall, within the registration process, enter their e-mail address and their child’s name and surname.
- By submitting the registration form, the participant provides their consent with the processing of their personal data (or of their child’s personal data) for the purposes of the registration and elaboration of the entry list and results and for provision of further information related with the Podnuselák run.
- By registering, the participant agrees with the rules of the run.
- In exceptional cases, registration may be carried out at Podnuselák’s starting line. Approval of such participation without prior electronic registration is subject to the organizers’ will and capacity of the run.
2. Course of Run and Measuring of Time
- Before the start, each participant is assigned a starting number.
- All runners start simultaneously.
- Children under the age of 16 years can run the route of 2.5 km (“children’s” circuit); children of 16+ years, children under the age of 16 years interested in doing so, and adult runners shall run Podnuselák’s two laps, of 5 km on aggregate.
- A parent may accompany their child and run the circuit of 2.5 km, in which case only the child’s result is recorded.
- The actual time is measured from the participant’s passing the starting line to the participant’s passing the finish line.
- Measuring of time is performed via a stopwatch recording split times.
3. Results and Announcement
- On-line results with measured times shall be available, on the date of the run or on the earliest possible date in accordance with the organizers’ capacities, on Podnuselák’s website, and photographs of the run shall be available on Podnuselák’s Facebook site.
- Results are announced in the following categories: 5 km route (subcategories: “women”, “men”), 2.5 km route.
4. Other Provisions
- Podnuselák’s participant shall be aware of the risks consisting in the danger of damage or harm to their health sustained during the run.
- Podnuselák’s participant is obliged to abide by the organizers’ instructions.
- Podnuselák’s participant shall run at their own risk and on their own responsibility.
- By registering for the run, Podnuselák’s participant confirms that their health condition corresponds to Podnuselák’s requirements and demands.
- The organizer shall not be responsible for any harm to health, property damage or any other detriment sustained in connection with the run. The organizer shall not be responsible for any abandoned belongings.
- The organizer reserves the right to make changes in the programme and information/instructions.
- The organizer reserves the right to make changes to any data on Podnuselák’s Facebook or web sites without prior notice.
- Responsibility for children under the age of 18 years shall be borne, within the scope of the preceding paragraphs, by their legal representative.
- The participant is obliged to read and abide by important information and instructions.
Protection of Personal Data
- The Probuďme Nusle association processes, in connection with the Podnuselák run, the following personal data: the participant’s name, surname, e-mail address (or, as the case may be, their parent’s e-mail address for children under the age of 16 years), identity elements ascertainable from photographs.
- By registering for the run, the participant gives their consent with the processing of their personal data, or of the personal data of their child under the age of 16 years.
- The data controller is obliged to ensure protection of the participant’s personal data by preventing third parties’ access.
- ·The controller processes the name, surname and e-mail address in order to be able to record the competition’s participants and for announcement of results.
- E-mail addresses are further processed for the purpose of communication with the participants, of notifying them of the competition’s news and up-to-date information, and for invitations to the ensuing runs. The consent with being informed about the news regarding the run may be withdrawn at any time at spolek@probudmenusle.cz.
- During the event, photographs or video recordings may be taken for the purpose of informing wider public about the past event and of their publishing on social media and on the web site, or in promotional materials, the primary intention here not being the processing of the participants’ personal data. Should a participant so request (and where physically possible), the recording can be removed.
- The participant’s consent with the processing of their personal data, for the purpose of informing about the run and of inviting to the ensuing runs, shall be given for the period of one year after the participant’s last participation in the run, or until the participant withdraws their consent.
- The organizer of the Podnuselák run is the Probuďme Nusle association, residing at U Družstva Ideál 1133/23, Nusle (Praha 4), 140 00 Praha, Czech Republic, Company ID: 06242839.